Interior Designers Cambridge - Design principles

Design Principles of Interior design

In today's article we are going to focus on six design principles and how Experienced interior designers use/follow these sets of principles to create well-planned and aesthetically pleasing spaces.

In the world of interior design, our experienced professionals in Cambridge are known for their mastery of design principles. These principles serve as the foundation for creating stunning and functional spaces that reflect the unique tastes and preferences of our clients.

Look no further than Cambridgeshire, where modern Interior designers are ready to transform your living space into a welcoming and stylish haven. With their unique style that reflects the beauty of the county's landscape, interior designers in Cambridgeshire offer a fresh perspective on contemporary design.

Here are six fundamental design principles that interior designers in Cambridge, or anywhere else, often adhere to:


Balance is a fundamental principle in interior design, and it plays a crucial role in creating visually pleasing and comfortable spaces. Achieving the right balance can make a significant difference in the overall harmony of a room. In another words - Balance in interior design refers to the distribution of visual weight in a room. It can be achieved through symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangements of furniture and decor. Achieving the right balance helps create a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere.

Here's a bit more detail on the two main types of balance in interior design:

1.       Symmetrical Balance: Symmetrical balance involves arranging elements in a room in a mirror-like fashion, where one side is a near-perfect reflection of the other. It creates a sense of formal, traditional, and classical harmony. For example, you might place two identical chairs on either side of a fireplace, or have matching bedside tables and lamps in a bedroom.

symmetrical balance interior design

Example of a Symmetrical balance

1.       Asymmetrical Balance: Asymmetrical balance is a more relaxed and informal approach to balance. It involves arranging elements of different sizes and visual weights to create equilibrium. This type of balance can be more dynamic and allows for more creative and eclectic design choices. For instance, you might have a larger piece of furniture on one side of the room balanced by a group of smaller items on the other.

armchairs living room

Example of Asymmetrical balance

3.        Radial Balance: Radial balance can create a dynamic and unique design in a room, and it's especially suitable for spaces where you want to draw attention to a central focal point. When used skilfully by an interior designer in Cambridge or elsewhere, radial balance can infuse a room with a sense of energy and movement while maintaining a sense of equilibrium and cohesion. Radial balance is a less common but intriguing subcategory of balance in interior design.

The choice between symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial balance often depends on the overall style and mood you want to achieve in a space. All of the approaches can be effective when used appropriately, and By collaborating with a skilled interior designer in Cambridgeshire, you can achieve not only a visually stunning space but also one that complements your lifestyle and personality. Their attention to detail and ability to blend functionality with aesthetics ensures that every element of your home is carefully Curated for maximum impact.


Contrast is a powerful design principle that helps create visual interest and adds depth to a space by highlighting differences between elements. Interior designers Cambridge carefully consider the use of contrast to achieve the desired mood and visual impact in a space. When applied thoughtfully, contrast can make a room more exciting and engaging while maintaining a sense of balance and cohesion.

1.       Colour Contrast: Contrasting colours are colours that are opposite on the colour wheel, such as black and white, or complementary colours like red and green. Using contrasting colours in a room can create a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere. For example, a predominantly white room with bold black accents can make a striking design statement.

2.       Texture Contrast: Different textures in a space can add depth and tactile interest. Mixing smooth and rough textures, like pairing a sleek glass tabletop with a rough-textured, natural-fiber rug, can create a pleasing textural contrast. It's important to balance these textures to achieve the desired effect.

3.       Form Contrast: Combining different shapes and forms can create contrast as well. For instance, pairing curvy furniture with angular or geometric decor items can add visual intrigue. A round dining table with square-backed chairs is an example of form contrast.

4.       Pattern Contrast: Mixing patterns with contrasting scales and styles can be an effective way to create contrast. For example, pairing a small-scale, delicate floral pattern with a bold, large-scale geometric pattern in your upholstery and decor can make a room more visually stimulating.

5.       Lighting Contrast: Contrasting light and dark areas in a room can help create depth and drama. Task lighting, such as spotlights or pendant lights, can draw attention to specific areas, creating contrast with the ambient lighting.

living room furniture

Example of good Contrast

Don't just settle for generic home decor ideas when you can immerse yourself in the vibrant design scene of Cambridgeshire. Whether you're seeking bold colour palettes, innovative furniture arrangements, or unique architectural features, our  interior designers in Cambridge will provide endless inspiration for creating a truly remarkable living environment.

3/4.Proportion & Scale:

Proportion involves the size and scale of objects within a space. The principle of proportion is essential in interior design, and interior designers in Cambridge, like those anywhere else, use it to ensure that the size and scale of elements in a space are harmonious and well-balanced. Proportion refers to the relationship between different elements, and it plays a significant role in achieving a visually pleasing and comfortable environment.

By carefully considering proportion, interior designers can ensure that all elements within a space work together cohesively, creating a visually pleasing and well-balanced environment. This attention to proportion is essential in achieving a harmonious and comfortable interior design, whether in Cambridge or any other location.

Scale determines the relative size of an object in comparison to the space it is in. We often measure scale in comparison to the size of the human body. Scale makes us determine whether i.e. a chair is small or large within the space it has been placed.

This is a very open concept and is not to be confused with the firm concept of the scale of a drawing which is mathematically decided.

coffe table floor lamp

Example of good Proportion & Scale

5. Rhythm:

The specific techniques used to achieve rhythm can vary depending on the designer's style and the client's preferences. Whether it's through the repetition of patterns, the progression of elements, or other methods, the goal is to create a visually pleasing and engaging design that leads the eye through the space, creating a sense of movement and harmony. Interior designers in Cambridge, like those elsewhere, carefully consider these principles when crafting their designs. Rhythm in interior design is about creating a sense of movement and visual interest through repeated patterns, colours, or shapes.

·         Repetition

·         Gradation

·         Progression

·         Pattern

·         Furniture Arrangement

·         Architectural Features

·         Colour

wall lights

Example of a Rhythm

6. Dominance:

The principle of dominance is about guiding the viewer's attention and creating a hierarchy of importance within a space. Whether it's through colour, scale, texture, lighting, or architectural elements, interior designers in Cambridge and beyond use dominance to make specific elements or areas the center of visual interest and impact within a room. Focal Points: Interior designers use dominance to draw attention to specific areas or elements within a room. This could be a stunning fireplace, a piece of artwork, a unique piece of furniture, or even a window with a picturesque view. These focal points are typically the dominant features of a space.

·         Colour: The use of colour can be a powerful tool in creating dominance. Designers may introduce a bold or contrasting colour in a room to make it the dominant colour. For example, a room with mostly neutral tones might feature a bold, red accent wall to establish dominance.

·         Scale and Proportion: Oversized furniture or decor items can be used to create a sense of dominance. A large, eye-catching chandelier in a dining room, a grandiose headboard in a bedroom, or an expansive area rug can serve as dominant elements that command attention.

·         Texture and Material: The choice of unique and visually interesting materials can contribute to dominance. For instance, a feature wall made of reclaimed wood or a statement piece of furniture with a distinct texture can become the dominant element in a room.

·         Lighting: Well-designed lighting can establish dominance within a space. A striking pendant light, a glamorous chandelier, or a carefully placed spotlight on artwork can draw the eye and become the dominant focus.

·         Architectural Elements: Unique architectural features, such as exposed beams, archways, or a vaulted ceiling, can naturally serve as dominant elements. Interior designers often emphasize and enhance these features to make them stand out.

·         Art and Decor Large, captivating art pieces or decorative elements can also be used for dominance. Interior designers carefully select or create these items to ensure they become the focal point of a room.

bed and headboard


Emphasis is used to draw attention to specific focal points or features within a space. Through careful placement of lighting fixtures, artwork, or architectural details, interior designers in Cambridge and other areas can highlight key areas and create focal points that captivate the eye.

In conclusion, modern Interior designers in Cambridgeshire are the key to creating stylish and functional spaces that truly reflect your personality and lifestyle. Their expertise, creativity, and attention to detail can elevate your space to new heights and make your design dreams a reality. Whether you're looking to revamp your living room, bedroom, or even your entire home, our talented Interior designers have the expertise to bring your vision to life. From sleek and minimalist designs to cosy and rustic aesthetics, Cambridgeshire's modern interior designers possess a diverse range of styles that cater to every taste.

To help us with your design journey, you can reach out today using the contact form or by calling us at 07968 449090. Be sure to explore our portfolio of previous projects to gain a deeper understanding of the exceptional standards we uphold.

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